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Brain – Information – Learning : mental health and cognitions

3 Dic 12


Paolo Manzelli
LRE- University of Florence

Brain image processing system is settled on recognition of perceptual data.
We can think that seeing is based on a complex information processing of the brain that couples memory revoke of genetic archetypal forms and from the recall of their comparative experiences and previous combinations.

Following this approach we understand that the perception action need to generate a learning process producing some brain's memory conceptual graphs in view to categorize sensory data, resulting in images as an end-product of information processing of visual cortex.

Moreover we know that the Newtonian explanation of eyes seeing is also not correct from the point of view of contemporary science, in particular because light is not composed by rays painting the internal retina of eyes with figures.

In spite of the advancement of neurological and physical science it is easy to realize that the traditional teaching in the schooling systems, quite all over the world, utilizes also today the very old Newtonian interpretation in which a not creative eye outline an istantaneous reverse image of the external world.

The Laboratory of Educational Research of the University of Florence considers that the persistence of the old Newtonian culture about the conceptualisation of human seeing in a world of information in which virtual reality is increasing in respect of concrete reality could depress and discourage the development of visual perception's skills of students, but also could be a cognitive source of some mental diseases as a consequence of the inability of scholars to interpret rightly the distinction between virtual and obyective reality during their life.



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