Guido Seu ( Genova) - ENG

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3 dicembre, 2012 - 20:25


Mailing list & Global Network: a different way of communication

As all the innovations and the great events, Internet is cause, and at the same time theatre, of great chats and scientific debate. this different manner to approach this (virtual) reality can be daily experienced listing the mass media and the people opinions.
Internet is often equivalent to a phenomenon to stigmatize, to send to the stake, to eliminate, it is synonymous of pedophily, pornography, violence. For others it is the new world, a without frontiers community, an universe where the peace and the armony live together. This is all true and not true in the same. Internet is a tool, an inanimate object, without an his own personality: his "use" only depends on who "use" it. However, it has a great merit: it is a communication means, able to exceed time and space, and language and economic barriers.
It is for the internet users to establish the use they will make, and it is on the "use" of global network, I want center the sense of my work, emphasizing the use of mailing lists.
I will make a view on the internet tools to communicate inside narrow groups, on their working, on some simple rules, and on how the net can became also a place where meet other people, or study and inquire, and, not the last, where you can find solidarity and help.
I will explain, as an example, the experiences of Dipartimento di Scienze Psichiatriche of the University of Genoa in the net. I will bring also some examples of the use of internet as a service to the patients and a source of a correct information.

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